A loss (sort-of) to report
I have decided that Wednesday is my weigh-in day. Sort-of in the middle of the week, not really much on for Wednesday mornings.
This morning I bit the bullet and jumped on the scales. According to my dodgy scales I weight 81 kg, my previous weight was 83.3 kg but that was with my clothes on (I had jeans, shoes etc.)
I am not really sure if I actually lost weight or not, but I feel better, my clothes feel good and I kind-of rewarded myself with a few new pairs of pants from Cue. I hope that I get to take these in soon.
Daniel and I had an a sort-of argument last night, he said something along the lines of 'big fat ass', that really made me cry, I was very hurt my his comment and got pretty upset. Normally I would have gone and eaten something bad, but instead I sat and read my Weight Watchers magazine for some strength. I know now he was just crabby, but if he says it again I will be pretty pissed.
I made a Red Lentil Bolognaise for dinner, it was really low points and okay, not hugely tasty, but good when I need to eat something healthy for dinner.
Off to Melbourne tomorrow, here is hoping for a healthy plane meal.
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