Today is the first day of a whole new blog!

I am officially inspired today! (Not just because of my cute little baby girl, Ella, excuse the snotty nose, I am a bad mother).
I never really felt comfortable just talking about my weight loss in my blog, there is a whole other side of me that is far more important!
I have been reading some really amazing blogs (Kristin, Holly, Kevin, Anne, Life at 42) and they are share one common thread, they are all incredibly honest! Not that I have been lying, more deceiving by omission.
Instead today I want to tell you about the weirdest thing that happened to me, I was driving to work when I heard Nick Lachey (the ex-husband of Jessica Simpson) being interviewed by my favourite breakfast radio team Kylie and Jackie-O.
They were doing the standard questions and they they played one of his new songs, 'I can't hate you anymore'.
I felt so bad after hearing it, it is such a sad song about his marriage breakdown and it made me think about my own marriage as well as how bad it would be to loose your spouse whom you once thought you would spend the rest of your life with. I guess you normally start a marriage with good intentions, as I am sure they did.
I am feeling a little weird even just writing this because I don't know Nick or Jessica but I guess divorce and seperation can happen to anyone. I felt sad for a while when I got work, then I checked out both their websites (I know, weird!) and they looked happy in their press photos!
It made me think of my friends that have decided to separate for a 'break' after eight (8) years and one two year old (the stunning T), MM was my friend first but as their relationship developed I also became friends with ML. By chance he came to work with me and we have developed a very good friendship.
To hear him talk of his pain and depression at the state of their relationship nearly made me cry.
I just want to know how you are supposed to get over a broken heart? I did about five years ago (I think that it entailed lots of alcohol and sex with my ex-ex), but I can't remember how, what do I tell him?
I'm lovin' your new blog!
I get sad too, to hear of break ups. Even if they are celebreties.
Even those crazy neighbors of ours; I feel so sad for them. It's so painful to have a relationship crumble. I've been through 2 divorces. Never expected life to take those turns for me.
Yep. Martini medication helps the healing process. No doubt!
I just read about the guy from Blink 182 and his wife breaking up and all I oculd think about was that they have 3 little kids! A marriage ending is always so sad and you have to wonder just how much effort celebrities put into working things out.
Thanks for the nice words on your blog and in my comments... & I look forward to following yours!
Holly, two divorces, you must be the srongest woman alive, I struggles just to breakup with a boyfriend, also you look way too young to have two divorces, did you marry at 14? Martinis eh, that is what I did wrong, here I was thinking Vodka would work!
Thanks for coming by, I will try and post more regularly to make it worth your while to visit. Cheers,
I know what you mean, 3 kids, that is tough! They must have liked each other a little to go through with three kids! The years of no sleep, food splattered all over your semi-clean (but will be referred to as clean) floor and the potty training OMG! All for nothing! Daniel and I sometimes think we are doing it tough, but I don't know if I could leave him now I have Ella, is that wrong? J
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