I'm back as promised
Alea's blog has really inspired me to do a better job journaling.
Part of the reason why I eat is because I am emotional and whilst I cry alot, I don't actually ever address these feelings, instead I take it out on the pantry.
For example, last nigh DH and I had a discussion that was unpleasant, so I at these chocolate wafer things from one of our Christmas hampers, not one, not two but five of them, a total points value of 5.625 points! Not good!
Normally I would just pretend this didn't happen but today, in fact now, I am going to write this in my points tracker! I just did, guess what my point value was for yesterday 29.625, I blew out at lunch by eating four (4) rice paper rolls, now there is nothing in these but my WW 'eating out' book says that one serve (which I assume is two rolls) is worth four points, that means I ate eight (8). The other things that messed me up was DH and I went to the movies yesterday for my last Annual Leave day. I was soooo good, I had a diet coke and then took six (6) weightwatcher crispbreads with me to munch on (2 points) while DH sat there beside me and ate a large popcorn. So although it was good, I used those points up when I wouldn't normally.
Anyway as promised, I had my weigh in on Thursday, and my weight is the second highest of all time, (not counting when I was pregnant with Ella), 83.9! I also did my BMI, I am 30 that puts me just in the overweight category, it says and I quote
'You are over optimum weight for your height. You may be facing health problems, so losing some weight would be a good idea'.
Do you think! I have been trying you know! Guess what is scarier if I put on 2.1 more kilos then I move into the obese category! Oh my god, I did not think that this happened to people like me.
My goal this week is to loose 1.0 kilo.
My goal for January is to loose 3 kilos and move my BMI down to 29.
Wish me luck.
BTW, can anyone tell me the points value for Sweet and Sour Prawns from Chinese or Chicken Rice Paper Rolls or Beef and Avocado Rice Paper Rolls? Thanks, J
*Blush*... I did inspire you? Wow. I haven't exactly been good at keeping my blog up to date lately though... :)
I'm sorry to hear you feel so stressed and I hope taking time for yourself will really help you.
And CONGRATS on journalling your food, even though you went over your points! This is my goal for January - write what I bite, even if it's ugly... Which it has been the last two days. But writing everything down is already a good start and we can go from there.
Good luck for your goals this week!
Thanks Alea,
You did inspire me, and you and I seem to have some similar issues, although I find that I am better on weekends because I don't have any crap at home!
But I am with you all the way, I will 'write what I bite'.
Thanks for coming by.
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