Monday mornings, gosh I hate them!
So my weekend was okay, I will start with Friday.
I put in a few hours overtime to get some stuff done at work then went home to see my DH and baby girl.
DH had a cards night up the street with some neighbors so he wanted to leave by 8.00 ish. I noticed that he had been to the post office and there was a parcel from his Mum for me. I was guessing that this was my belated Christmas present. DH had told me that had been ordered specially for me, so I was pretty excited.
When I opened the box there were choccies (not what I needed at all) some gift cards (they would be good for kids) and a jewelry box, I opened the box in anticipation only to find a very ugly beaded watch, so not my style and nothing that I would ever purchase for myself. DH was watching me for my reaction (he obviously thought it was lovely, I don't know why, I am so not a bead person, I love white gold and diamonds, that is pretty much it!).
So I am faced with a big decision, do I lie to DH so that his feelings don't get hurt (as I know that he will be offended that I don't like it on the basis that it is from his Mum, and he is very protective of his Mum) or do I tell him the truth.
The decision was made for me, my face gave it away, he got pissed with me and starting listing reasons as to why I should like it and how much money it cost etc. and I felt like such a cow I just lied and told him that I felt that I could love it, I was just not used to it, cause I normally wear a Silver Slimline Armani watch (my 21st Birthday present) and this was so chunky and brown and beaded!!!
Either way he was pissed, dinner was in silence and he took off for his cards night .
Fast forward to 4.00 am, husband wanders in drunk as a skunk professing his love for me, wanting a kiss and 'cuddle', I was very asleep so you can imagine I was pretty receptive to his advances, anyway in the end he drove me so mad that I sent him to the guest bedroom.
The best news of all, in his drunken stupor he knocked the watch from the dresser, stepped on it and rendered it useless!
Now I don't even have to wear it and pretend that I like it, for once a drunken night out with the boys has its advantages!
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